10 Charging Mistakes You Can Stop Making Right Now

You might never realise it, but how you charge your phone can have a significant impact on its battery life as well as your electricity costs and safety. Today's phone batteries are designed to withstand a specific number of charge cycles, so it's best to never fully charge or discharge them.We would like to share some more advice with you regarding the proper way to charge your phone so that you may make the most of it and stay safe.

1. You never take your charger out of the outlet.

When in the socket, a charger draws power continuously, even when the phone is not in use. The impact on your electricity expenses is negative. Furthermore, the transformer emits heat that can gradually build up and ignite surrounding objects, or if the room's air is sufficiently humid, it can short-circuit the transformer and start a fire. Always unplug the charger from the outlet when not in use.