13 Ways to Use Potatoes Very Few People Know About

It's common knowledge that there are numerous delectable ways to prepare potatoes, but perhaps that's all. However, it turns out that this vegetable may also be used to make some art, lighten underarms, and clean cutlery.We've compiled a list of 13 strange circumstances in which potatoes can save your life. Have fun!

1. Remove rust with ease.

We're all susceptible to this one, though. It's completely normal for metal to rust, but how can you get rid of this stuff from a tap or one of your pans? Unexpectedly, a potato can be useful.You must first cut it in half. Next, take some dish soap, table salt, or baking soda. After dipping the chopped portion of the potato into your selected substance, wipe it over the rusted object until it's clean. If the magic is gone from your potato, chop off a little slice and follow the directions above. After giving your item a thorough rinse with water, allow it to air dry. Completed!