13 Ways to Use Potatoes Very Few People Know About

3. Bid farewell to stains.

Yes, we do mean business. You could use potatoes to get rid of stains on several types of fabric.To accomplish this, wash and shred a few raw potatoes into a bowl that has 0.5 L (0.1 gal) of water in it. Once the potato has been grated, remove it and add the same volume of water. Give it ten to fifteen minutes. After applying potato water to the discoloration with a sponge and rubbing, rinse with fresh, cold water.To remove food stains from your hands, just cut a raw potato into halves and rub them clean. This works well for berries, beets, and other foods. Exactly!

4. Keep your leather footwear spotless and lustrous.

Leather shoes feel and look fantastic. Although it is durable and comfy, fabric is nonetheless susceptible to fading or scratches over time. But that can be fixed with a simple potato. Try this if your shoes appear unclean and worn out:Segment a raw potato into two parts. Go over your shoes' whole surface with a rub. Give it five minutes. They will appear matte and slightly drab at this point. It's perfectly OK, so don't worry. Using a gentle, dry cloth, wipe the shoes until they regain their shine.