13 Ways to Use Potatoes Very Few People Know About

7. Get rid of the headache.

Oh, how I hate these headaches! Check this out if you're sick of being on drugs or if you're all about natural remedies:Clean and cut a raw potato. Place slices over your forehead and temples, then cover them with a bandage made of gauze. Shut your eyes, lay down, and bide your time till the agony subsides.

8. Rejuvenate your body with potato juice.

Vitamin C, calcium, and phosphorus are just a few of the vitamins and minerals that are abundant in potato juice. As a result, it boosts immunity and provides numerous other health advantages.For instance, researchers at Manchester University have discovered that potato juice has a chemical that can treat heartburn and ulcers as well as stop gut bacteria from proliferating. In addition, it can help you lose weight, reduce constipation, lower your cholesterol, and lessen your risk of cancer.It's also simple to prepare:Clean and cut an uncooked potato. Slice it, add it to a blender, and process it until it turns into a liquid paste. To remove the juice, strain the paste through a piece of gauze.Feel free to cover the taste with fresh vegetable juice if you don't think it tastes like heaven.