Celebrities Who Have Turned Their Shortcomings Into Virtues

Nearly everyone is flawed. This also holds true for famous people. However, a few of them were able to transform these into blatant qualities. We feature celebrities on our list who have successfully transformed their imperfections into assets.

Among the sexiest stars in Hollywood is Paris Hilton. Paris does, however, have one very obvious flaw: an approaching eyelid. However, the girl has long since learned to conceal this deformity with appropriate makeup and a lethargic appearance.

Marilyn Monroe experienced mild strabismus. She was first consistently turned down by the directors as a result. Later on, though, the actress mastered the use of this weakness to such an extent that even the president was unable to resist it.

Elizabeth. This actress had hardships when she first started her profession. The woman was even made to remove her makeup by the director of the movie "Lassie Returns Home" because she didn't appear right in the picture. Elizabeth had dysthiasis, a condition in which a person has two rows of eyelashes; the result is excessively thick eyelashes.