The Most Ambitious Robberies In The History

We all know that theft is one of the worst sins. However, people often receive praise for being able to circumvent the system. You can appreciate the biggest robberies in the past hundred years.

Robbery in the Bangladesh.

26 January 2014 a branch of Sonali Bank in Kishoreganj was robbed by two unknown men. The robbers carried 169 million Bangladeshi taka. The criminals dug a tunnel from the house standing next door.

Legendary robbery of D.B. Cooper.

D.B. Cooper was an unknown man, who managed to hijack Boeing 727. Brave, very calm and polite man – such description was given to the thief by crew members. The offender gave very specific instructions about air speed, angle of inclination of the wings, etc., and then just jumped out of a plane with bags full of money.

A bit of Bollywood.

The robbery of Chelembra Bank in Kerala, India, is one of the largest bank robberies in Indian history. Early in the morning, 30 December 2007, intruders made a hole in the floor of the Bank of Kerala and carried about eighty kilograms of gold and five million rupees, the total amount stolen was eighty million rupees. The criminals were caught two months later.