Top 10 Tallest Statues in the World

4. Ushiku Daibutsu, 100 m

In Ushiku, Japan, a statue of the Buddha was constructed in 1995. Ushiku Daibutsu is the fourth-highest statue in the world and the tallest bronze statue ever made.

5. Goddess Kannon Statue, 100 metres

The Kannon statue in Sendai, Japan, honours the Goddess of Mercy. In 1991, the 100-metre-tall statue was constructed.

6. Guishan Guanyin, 99 metres tall, with a thousand hands and eyes

An Avalokiteśvara statue made of bronze is situated in Hunan, China. In 2009, the monument was built. According to a Buddhist tradition, Guanyin swore that she would not sleep until all living things were freed from the cycle of birth and reincarnation, or samsara. When she tried to aid people in need, she found that her hands were cracking, even though she had eleven heads at first. She received a thousand hands from Amitabha, who came to her aid.